
Pelvic Health

Understanding what pelvic health means and how physiotherapy is a solution

Are you experiencing pain in the pelvic region? Do you maintain an active lifestyle and still find yourself struggling with symptoms? Our highly trained physiotherapists at CN Physiotherapy in Ottawa, ON will get to the root of your issues, help you alleviate your pain and get you back to doing the things you love! 

The pelvic floor is a vital and complex system that can be difficult to understand. However, it’s an integral part of our bodies that helps to keep things functioning as they should. Women’s pelvic health is essential, primarily through life changes such as pregnancy that heavily impact our bodies. 

Studies have shown that female athletes, especially those participating in specific high-impact sports, are more likely to develop pelvic health issues. However, your pelvic floor muscles will benefit from regular, consistent exercise. 

At CN Physiotherapy in Ottawa, ON, our therapists can teach you more about the pelvic floor muscles, disorders, and the connection to physical activity. If you have struggled with pain, incontinence, or any other symptoms in the pelvic region, we can help! We’ll assess your conditions and design an effective treatment plan. 

To set up a consultation, call us today


What is the pelvic floor?

The term “pelvic floor” describes the region located in the bottom aspect of the pelvis between the tailbone and pubic bone within the pelvis. This essential complex supports the bowel, bladder, and uterus in females and other intimate areas. The pelvic floor communicates and works with other structures in the body to ensure everything is working correctly. 

When the pelvic floor isn’t operating as it should, it can lead to pain and dysfunction in sexual function and bladder and bowel control. This is referred to as pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD). 

This condition can be caused by several factors, including:

  • Weak bladder muscles from pregnancy, childbirth, obesity, and aging
  • Alterations to your pelvic floor muscles from childbirth
  • Damage from surgery
  • Changes in the pelvic floor nerves from health problems like diabetes and multiple sclerosis
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Types of cancer
  • Certain medications
  • Physical or psychological trauma

Strong pelvic floor muscles are essential with most regular activities where force is added to the abdomen, such as laughing, coughing, sneezing, and lifting. When these muscles are weak, PFD may occur. Fortunately, our physiotherapists at CN Physiotherapy can identify your condition and resolve symptoms! 

Symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction 

PFD symptoms can vary widely depending on the condition, physical activity, and other lifestyle factors. Symptoms can often be challenging to detect since they are similar to other diseases. Your specialist will be able to evaluate the situation and get to the root of your pain. 

Those who experience pelvic floor dysfunction may notice issues like urinary incontinence or loss of bladder control. Others may struggle with intense, unexplained pain in the lower back or abdomen. 

Other symptoms might include:

  • Pain in the tailbone, pelvic area, or groin
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Pain in the uterus and intimate areas
  • Constipation or rectal pain
  • Urinary urgency or frequency
  • Bowel incontinence

If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, it’s best to contact your doctor first to eliminate any serious medical condition. Otherwise, our specialists can best help you improve your symptoms and restore normal function. 

Physical activity and pelvic health in women

While mild to moderate physical activity decreases the chance of urinary incontinence, female athletes are much more susceptible to pelvic floor dysfunction. 

According to studies, females with this condition can struggle in their impact athletic performance, participation in sports, and overall quality of life. Research suggests that women participating in sports involving running, jumping, and high-impact landing are at a higher risk for PFD.

Strenuous activity may put females at risk for PFD. Fortunately, like other muscles in your body, your pelvic floor will become stronger with a regular exercise regime.

How physiotherapy can help

Your pelvic floor therapist will address your issues and concerns and create an individualized care plan for your recovery. All sessions are held in private rooms to ensure patients’ comfort and discretion. Our therapists at CN Physiotherapy work closely with OB-GYN and specialist practitioners to provide a wide variety of effective treatment options.

At your first appointment, your pelvic floor therapist will thoroughly review your medical and genetic history, present symptoms, and any goals you’d like to achieve. Then, they will analyze the spine, joints, and muscles around your pelvis to target symptoms such as spasms, pain, tenderness, and prolapses.

Ready to eliminate pelvic pain and get back to normal? Call us today to set up an appointment!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!